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Rosenstock Family

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Free time has always been precious - and will continue to be so. That is why we are so aware of our responsibility when you trust us with your valuable time. Your wellbeing is important to us and our team; and we are delighted when guests discover our hotel for adults and then choose to return. We'll give you a genuine smile and you'll be surrounded by a warm-hearted atmosphere. Careful, attentive - but nevertheless informal and leaving you undisturbed if desired.

"Favourite Place"- Anja Karg's Tip

My personal favourite is a trip to "Sonna-Alp". Park at Hirschegg behind the 'Walserhaus' and go up in the Hebergbahn 2-seater chair lift. After about 40 minutes on the middle-level hiking trail you reach "Sonna-Alp", where stopping for refreshments is a must. My recommendation: Kaiserschmarn or speciality strudel. The panoramic terrace is fantastic in summer, as is the view into the Wildental valley in winter. In winter, take the Zaferna chair lift back down the valley. From there via Mittelberg on foot back to the valley bottom in 40 minutes. If you wish, you can also return by local bus (every 10 minutes). In summer the return route to the car park through flower meadows, passing cows, is highly recommended.

Sonna-Alp in Mittelberg

"Favourite Place"- Stefan Karg's Tip

As an enthusiastic golfer, I have been a member of Oberdorf Golf Club for about 15 years. My personal tip: the full beauty of Germany's most southerly golf club reveals itself after 5.00pm. Generally I play alone then, completing my 9 holes. The views of the mountains at this late time of day are just magnificent and these two hours allow you to press the 'reset': I can also round off the working day perfectly in the company of another club member.
Incidentally, those not playing golf can enjoy a refreshment break at Cafe "Gebroibe" - also recommended when returning from walking in the Trettachtal valley.

Oberstdorf Golf Club